I hope you get a "kick" out of the name. I realized how difficult it is....trying to come up with something unique and slightly clever - different from everyone else's blogspot. This name came to mind and I decided to stick with it. What can I say? I just couldn't help it! *grinning with one eyebrow raised*
Right now, I am sitting in a quiet house....a pleasant, however odd sensation when everything around here is normally quite noisy.
Gregory is on his last tour with the Chattanooga Boys Choir and is in San Antonio, Texas at the present moment. He will be entering the realm of high school as a freshman at Tyner Academy in August. This particular statement still completely freaks me OUT! Is that even possible? He'll be 14 in September and was 5' 4" when last measured. He is quickly catching up with me in the height department. One day in the VERY near future I'll wake up and he will have raced past my 5' 8" and will completely tower over me (This is not difficult to do when Daddy's 6' 5"). It seems like only yesterday that Gregory was starting middle school and Gabe was starting Kindergarten.
Speaking of Gabe...he is currently at his other abode. This is also known as any of the following:
- Daddy & Mama Nell's
- The Other Dies Abode
- David & Janelle's
My current nickname for Gabe is "shorty" - I feel the slightly bizarre need to call my youngest this because yes, he is the shortest in the family at the present moment (cats not included). I guess I feel the need for this particular nickname because I don't think he'll be "shorty" for long. He was measured in April at the doctor's office at a shocking 4' 5" tall and he's only eight years old. This is one inch shorter than Gregory was at age ten. He has a set of "puppy feet" to match the height - kids size 4.5 - which as far as I'm concerned is just crazy for his age!! For those of you not fully aware of older kids shoe sizes, they kind of run out at around size 5.5 or 6 and you have to go to the men's dept to look for shoes.
I am waiting for the day when I walk into my house and hear some strange man's voice upstairs... Thoughts flash in the mind of "how did they get in" and "call the police" - only to realize that it's my oldest kid talking to a friend on the phone or something, you know? It won't be long and that will BE my reality.
Time marches on.........I only hope it doesn't march right across my face! LOL!!
I promise that I will get some recent photos of the kids posted very soon. I hope to talk with all of you VERY soon. Enjoy!